"@m8221196, to consider 'Freddy got fingered' a masterpiece, THAT is outright offensive... I guess you are the kind of person who, when he sees an (actual) piece of turd displayed in a museum, thin"

"@oogloriaaa, thanks for the suggestion but I don't think that a documentary belongs to this list."

"@the giraffe, indeed, my friend, I forgot this one..."

"@the giraffe, eventually, I will watch most of the originals but as, you know, my movie schedule is quite busy so it may take a few years... I see what you mean about 'I am legend' and I had my dou"

"My 2 cents : - 'An American in Paris' : Like you, I don't really like musicals but I love movies and I tried to watch those classics from time to time. Personally, I loved the songs and the dancin"

"@starship386, I'm not sure if 'Ford Fairlane' was supposed to be a franchise. I will check this though."

"Wow! You have been busy, dude!! First of, like you, I got really emotional at the end of 'Real steel' and of course, it is silly but we are just humans. Second, I don't have time right now on all th"

"New total: 16 seen By the way, 'Wolf Creek' was not bad but still a bit disappointing..."

"- The Dead zone : it was allright but nothing amazing for me. I'm not big fan of Stephen King but I haven't seen this movie for at least 15 years. Need a re-watch.... - Volver : I thought it was pret"

"Why do you think that 'Twilight', 'Gummo' and 'Fahrenheit 9/11' are controversials ? The rest is pretty interesting. Too bad you didn't finish the list. My suggestions : - Crash. I really liked"

"Do you seriously believe that Scorsese will produce 4 movies in 1 year?!? I highly doubt it... Furthermore, I don't think it is something we should be happy about and I'd rather have Scorsese deliv"

"@Kami-chan, right after 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' was released, they decided to make a movie around Deadpool. However, this project has been in development hell since then but according to IMDB, it w"

"You can use this as well : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Iraq_War_films"

"Suggestions : - Brรธdre (2004) : http://www.listal.com/movie/br-2004 - Home of the Brave (2006) : http://www.listal.com/movie/home-of-the-brave - Body of lies (2008) : http://www.listal.com/"

"You can also check this page : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Vietnam_War_films"

"Again, a solid list! A few suggestions : - Heaven & Earth (1993) ( http://www.listal.com/movie/heaven-earth-1993 ) - Birdy (1984) ( http://www.listal.com/movie/birdy ) - The Killing Fields (1"

"n.1853, the pic comes from 'Hunger' (2008) which is not a horror movie and not from 'Hunger' (2009)."

"What about mine ? http://www.listal.com/list/best-movie-posters-johanlefourbe "

"Nice work anyway! I have seen 50 of those By the way, even 'two for the money' is pretty good IMO, it is about gambling, not about sports...."

"Interesting list but some of those movies have barely anything to do with sports... Examples : - Green Street Hooligan : it ooesn't deal with football, it deals with hoolganism which is not a spo"

"Windtalkers, Hart's War, The Great Raid are all average/mediocre movies and shouldn't be on this list. My own opinion..."

"It is and remains my favorite posters list. I can't believe you don't get more votes than this..."

"One of my favorite actresses !! Well done. Unfortunately, on Listal, the focus has always been on young actors/actress and recent movies."

"Nice work! You should put some pics for every movie and maybe more comments. - I'm not so sure about Charlotte Gray since it is a rather weak movie. In this case, you could add any mediocre flick s"

"@iordanstefan, I could make the same list showing her in underwear or swimmear in every single of her movies but since Listal is already overloaded with pics of naked chicks, I decided to restrain mys"