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An average movie

Posted : 4 years, 8 months ago on 28 June 2020 06:46 (A review of Red Lights)

To be honest, I wasn't expecting much from this flick but since there was a really solid cast involved, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, to be honest, it turned out to be rather difficult to judge this movie. I mean, sure, at least half of it was pretty much some garbage. However, there were some bits here and there that were actually not bad at all. For example, the scene during which they unmask Leonard Palladino was pretty neat and if they would have given the same focus on the rest of the movie, it could have actually worked. The characters had also some potential. For example, Elizabeth Olsen, whose character was included only to make sure that Tom Buckley could get laid, managed to do quite a lot with a really thankless part. Still, I think it was a mistake to kill off Sigourney Weaver's character half way through,Ā  afterwards, the whole thing became even more sloppy than it already was. Finally, the ending was also really baffling. I mean, it was pretty obvious that Simon Silver was a fraud and the fact that he wasn't even blind was also hardly surprising. However, what was more surprising was the fact that, at the very last minute, they gave Tom Buckley some paranormal powers. Seriously, it came really out of nowhere and displayed once again how sloppy the whole thing was. Anyway, to conclude, in spite of a nice cast, they couldn't redeem this rather trashy material and I don't think it is really worth a look.

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A good movie

Posted : 4 years, 8 months ago on 27 June 2020 07:14 (A review of The Gambler)

To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect from this flick but since there was a decent cast involved, I was quite eager to check it out. First of all, for Rupert Wyatt, this movie was such a weird career move. I mean, back in 2011, he had managed to relaunch the Planet of the Apes franchise with 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' which had been a big commercial and critical success. However, he declined to direct the next installment because, apparently, he felt he didn't have enough time to reach the release date. Instead, he decided to direct this rather obscure remake of another obscure movie from the 70's which would beĀ eventuallyĀ released also in 2014, the exact same year 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes' came out... Anyway, after all, this movie didn't get much love when it was released but I have to admit that I always had a weak spot for movies dealing with gambling degenerates. In this case, even if the story was rather generic and predictable, I really liked the tone though and the main character was maybe not fascinating but still interesting enough. It was also neat to see Mark Wahlberg finally doing something else than his usual action flicks or comedies. On top of that, he did deliver a solid performance, even though it is always hard to swallow it when he is playing some supposedly super smart character but I have to admit that, this time, he almost convinced me. Concerning the rest of the cast, they were all fine, except for Brie Larson. I mean, she wasn't bad at all but her character was rather thankless and seriously underdeveloped. In fact, from all the characters, she was the only me who didn't make much sense and, basically, she was there just to make sure that the main character would have a (completely random) love interest. Anyway, to conclude, even if the damned thing was nothing really groundbreaking, I thought it was still fairly entertaining and it is worth a look, especially if you like the genre.

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A bad movie

Posted : 4 years, 8 months ago on 26 June 2020 09:16 (A review of The Last Days of American Crime)

After this movie had received to some really bad reviews, I didnā€™t expect much from the damned thing but, since it was on Netflix, I thought I might as well check it out. To be honest,Ā I think there was in fact a couple of good ideas but most of it was just terribly average at best and some of it was some total garbage. Eventually, the most bewildering thing was why such a generic action flick required a whopping running time of 150 mins?!? Seriously, it was as if they forgot to actually edit the damned thing and put every single shot in the actual movie. As a result, they did end up with a whole bunch of scenes going on for way too long with no actual purpose whatsoever. At least, they could have given us plenty of interesting or fun characters, after all, there was apparently plenty of time for that but, no, there were only 3 characters who were not even developed at all. I almost forgot that there was in fact a 4th character played by Sharlto Copley but his sub-plot was so half-baked and completely useless, I wonder why he was even there at all. Seriously, who was this guy and what did he have to do with the rest of the story? Itā€™s too bad because the concept was not bad, at least, it was not much worse than the concept developed in ā€˜The Purgeā€™Ā  and this movie did manage to spawn several sequels. Anyway, to conclude, even if I have seen worse, the damned thing was pretty bad and you should pretty much avoid it.Ā 

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A good movie

Posted : 4 years, 8 months ago on 25 June 2020 01:22 (A review of Always Be My Maybe)

Since I kept hearing some pretty good things about this flick and since it was available on Netflix, I thought I might as well check it out. There has been recently a resurgence of the romantic-comedy genre on Netflix but this movie was easily the best one I have this so far in this genre on the streaming platform. Indeed, even if the story was nothing really ground-breaking, the main characters were so well written, they were some really convincing and relatable fully-fledged human-beings. Furthermore, Ali Wong and Randall Park were both charismatic and had some great chemistry together. Eventually, the only thing that didnā€™t really work for me was that some of the supporting characters were rather weak. Seriously, Keanu Reeves and Jenny were just so annoying. Of course, it was done on purpose but I never thought that they were entertaining. Furthermore, Sasha Tran seemed to be such a strong and smart woman, it was rather hard to believe that she would start a relationship with such a massive douche-bag like Reeves (as portrayed in the movie, not in real life) or a long term relationship with Brandon who was not much better. Anyway, as long as the movie was focusing on Sasha and Markus, it was however pretty much pitch-perfect though. Indeed, the way they met, how they connected as kids, the awkwardness when they were teenagers, how they fell apart and how they got togetherā€¦ Everything was believable and entertaining to behold. Finally, during the last act, in the romantic-comedy genre, there is always some kind of conflict during which the main couple gets separated but it is usually pretty lame and bogus. Not here though, the reason why Sasha and Markus might not make it as a couple after all was quite realistic. Of course, it was pretty obvious that they would still end up together but their journey was still quite compelling. Anyway, to conclude, even it didnā€™t revolutionize the genre, I really enjoyed this romantic-comedy and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you like the genre.Ā 

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An average movie

Posted : 4 years, 8 months ago on 24 June 2020 09:24 (A review of The Incredible Burt Wonderstone)

To be honest, I wasnā€™t really sure what to expect from this flick but since there was a decent cast involved, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, eventually, even if the damned thing had some potential, it turned out to be rather weak, Iā€™m afraid. The first issue was that, even if the opening scene with these 2 boys becoming best friends after discovering they both love magic tricks was promising, within 5 minutes, it was pretty much ruined by the fact that, as adults, they couldn't stand each other anymore. From this point on, Burt Wonderstone became just so lame and annoying. To make things worse, during the 3rd act, they completely flipped around again this character as he suddenly became aware that he had been a major douchebag for so many years. Basically, his personality kept changing drastically any time it was needed to move on the plot. Concerning the rest of the characters, it was not much better, Iā€™m afraid. For example, it was sad to see the lovely and talented Olivia Wilde playing such a thankless and eventually rather boring character. Concerning Steve Buscemi, Jim Carrey and James Gandolfini, their characters were slightly more interesting and/or fun but they were not developed enough. Eventually, the only one who managed to be entertaining was Alan Arkin. To be honest,Ā ArkinĀ did deliver his usual no-nonsense performance he gives in pretty much all his movies but, in the contrary of the rest of the cast, he did manage to find the right tone. Indeed, he was the only one who seemed to be an actual person and not some kind of annoying heightened caricature. Anyway, to conclude, even if I have seen worse, I didnā€™t care much about the damned thing and I donā€™t think it is really worth a look.Ā 

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An average movie

Posted : 4 years, 8 months ago on 23 June 2020 10:09 (A review of The Nun)

I wasnā€™t really sure what to expect from this flick but, since I did like ā€˜The Conjuringā€™ franchise, I thought I might as well check this spin-off/prequel. Last week, I actually saw ā€˜Annabelleā€™, the first spin-off based on ā€˜The Conjuringā€™ and, to be honest, I had a really hard time to care about the damned thing. With this in mind, I seriously lowered my expectations with this flick, especially since it didnā€™t seem to have a stellar reputation. Well, eventually, I thought it was not so bad after all, at least, it was much better than ā€˜Annabelleā€™. In my opinion, what mostly worked with this flick was the fact it was from the beginning until the end really creepy. Indeed, this movie had a really nice mood and this nun was a solid bad guy. Furthermore, Father Burke and Sister Irene were both some charismatic characters but, to be honest, even if these 2 characters were interesting, they were actually barely developed at all. I thought it was also a little bit confusing that Sister Irene was played by Taissa Farmiga who is actually Vera Farmigaā€™s sister. Indeed,Ā Ā Vera Farmiga had playedĀ Lorraine Warren in ā€˜The Conjuringā€™ franchise and, since both characters had some visions as a kid in combination with the timeline, it seemed possible that Taissa was playing a younger version of Veraā€™s character but, obviously, these two characters were eventually not related whatsoever. A bigger issue was that, even though the story was at first pretty straightforward, unfortunately, it became increasingly messy. Seriously, towards the end, they were more and more scenes which barely made any sense. Anyway, to conclude, it is possible that my rating was actually generous here movie but it was actually fairly entertaining and I think it might be worth a look, at least, if you really like the genre.Ā 

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A good movie

Posted : 4 years, 8 months ago on 22 June 2020 10:17 (A review of The End of the Tour)

I wasnā€™t really sure what to expect from this flick but since there was a decent cast involved, I thought I might as well check it out. First to all, I have to admit that I have never read ā€˜Infinite Jestā€™ and, to be honest, it felt rather weird to watch a movie about a writer without actually reading the book that started the whole thing (I had a similar experience with ā€˜Capoteā€™ but I did read ā€˜In Cold Bloodā€™ eventually). Well, this movie definitely made me feel even more guilty about the fact that I still havenā€™t read this American classic and, at least, it made me even more eager to read it at some point. Anyway, somehow, for some reason, I really got into this movie. I guess it did work because these guys never really talked about the book after all and focused more on Wallace himself and his new relationship with a journalist who happened to be a writer himself. Eventually, on one hand, you had David Lipsky who was obviously envious of Wallaceā€™s huge success as a writer and, on the other hand, you had Wallace himself who was envious of pretty much everyone else as his success never helped him to become more adjusted to our world. Eventually, it was pretty neat to have such articulate characters talking to each other and I was above all impressed by Jason Segel. I mean, Jesse Eisenberg was not bad at all but he was basically playing another version of a character he had already done so many times before while Segel completely disappeared behind his character and, as a result, he delivered here the best performance of his career. Of course, I have no idea who David Foster Wallace was in real life but Segel made his character so complex, so fully fledged, so human, it was just quite spellbinding to behold. Anyway, to conclude, even thought the whole thing was nothing really ground-breaking, it was still an interesting watch and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you are interested in David Foster Wallace.

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An average movie

Posted : 4 years, 8 months ago on 21 June 2020 06:49 (A review of Chuck)

Since I have seen all the 'Rocky' movies, even the recent 'Creed' installments, I was quite eager to see this movie focusing on Chuck Wepner, the guy who was actually the inspiration for Rocky Balboa. Well, eventually, to be honest, it turned out to be a decent watch but not much more than that, I'm afraid. First of all, there was eventually even less boxing than in the actual 'Rocky' movie. To make things worse, in my opinion, his fight with Mohammed Ali felt rather anticlimatic. Basically, the guy didn't do much during this fight, excepting getting beat the sh*t out by Ali and surviving this ordeal for 15 rounds. Another mistake they made was to put too much focus on his relationship with his wife Phyliss played by the alway amazing Elisabeth Moss. In fact, his relationship with Linda turned out to be even more poorly developed. I guess, the bottom line is, was Chuck Wepner such a fascinating character after all? After watching this movie, I have some doubts and it seems that Sylvester Stallone had already managed to make the most out of this story. In fact, one point of this movie was to show that, even though Wepner became slightly famous thanks to 'Rocky', at the time, he didn't get a dime for it. However, you shouldn't forget that, back then, Stallone was himself a struggling actor with barely any money at all so he shouldn't be blamed. At least, the whole thing was well made, Liev Schreiber did deliver another solid performance and the guy was always convincing. Anyway, to conclude, even if it didn't really blow me away, it was still fairly entertaining and I think it is worth a look, especially if you like the genre.Ā 

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An average movie

Posted : 4 years, 8 months ago on 20 June 2020 07:06 (A review of Idlewild (2006))

Even though it was a movie I wanted to watch for quite some time, to be honest, I can't really remember why I wanted to watch it in the first place. Well, after watching the damned thing, I'm still wondering. Anyway, like many other music artists before and after them, Outkast decided to make a movie and, while usually it is a rather misguided idea resulting in some of the worst movies out there, I have to admit that this one was actually watchable. I mean, I was still rather bored through the whole duration and I never cared about the story or the characters involved but it was technically well made and the songs were decent enough. Still, I think the musical scenes would have worked better if the singing would have been done live instead of being pre-recorded. Furthermore, even if I always had a weak spot for Paula Patton, who was maybe the reason why I actually ended up watching this flick, they should have gone for an actual singer for this part. Finally, the acting was rather weak in general but the actors were not helped with this material which was just so generic. Finally, I wonder why Oukast went for the bootlegging area. Maybe it was because so many rappers have already been involved in some hood movies so, even if they stil wanted to do a gangster flick, they wanted to do something slightly more original. Anyway, to conclude, in spite of its flaws, in this genre, I have seen far worse so it was still a decent attempt from these guys and I think it is worth a look, especially if you are fan of Outkast.

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An average movie

Posted : 4 years, 8 months ago on 18 June 2020 09:21 (A review of Annabelle)

Since I did enjoy ā€˜The Conjuringā€™ franchise, I thought I might as well check this spin-off/prequel. Well, to be honest, I wasnā€™t really impressed by the damned thing. The first issue was that, if the Annabelle doll in ā€˜The Conjuringā€™ was a nice prop, however, thatā€™s just what it was, a prop and not an actual character, and to build a whole movie (and by now, even a whole franchise) around her was rather misguided in my opinion. Indeed, the evil doll genre is actually seriously limited because there are basically only two ways to tackle this genre. Either, like in ā€˜Childā€™s Playā€™, you go for a living doll which can speak and kill people but the end-result is always pretty much laughable. The second option, which they chose for this movie, is to keep the doll completely inanimate which is definitely a wiser choice. Still, even if the doll remains creepy, there is nothing much thrilling about a doll sitting on a bookshelf through the whole duration of a movie so it still didnā€™t really work. Another issue was that, while Ed and Lorraine Warren were quite charismatic, John and Mia Form were maybe cute and charming but Iā€™m afraid they were also really bland and boring. Concerning the rest of the movie, well, there were a couple of decent jump scares but the story was just really generic and predictable and the ending was, in my opinion, just way too random. Anyway, to conclude, even if I have seen worse, I thought it was still a rather weak spin-off and I donā€™t think it is really worth a look, except maybe if you are a really die-hard fan of the genre.Ā 

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