"@Andreaa, dude, I know you are a girl... I know he doesn't own those girls but those stupid characters always end up with such women and I find rather annoying but of course you are entitled to have y"

"@JayTrotter, - Cane Toads, it has been added. - Jesus Christus Erlรถser has been added as well."

"@geojones100, - My Flesh and Blood, Budo: The Art of Killing. why do you think these are weird? Not added. - Superman of Malegaon. Not bad. close call on this one. Still not added though. - "

"@p.ofthemon.clu, - Okie Noodling. It doesn't seem to be really weird. Not added. - Pucker Up. It has been added"

"@p.ofthemon.clu and geojones100, I still have to check those movies, I'll get to it when I have the time."

"@AVPGuyver21, indeed, it has been announced but I still don't believe it will be made."

"Cool list but it is too bad the pics are so small."

"@Happy Vader, Starship troopers is a great choice but I'm not so sure about Showgirls since it is, by far, the worst movie he has made..."

"@Happy Vader, I will definitely make one for James Cameron at some point."

"@phillydude, I know the 2 Star Trek movies are pretty bad but I'm very obsessive and I have the dvds so I will probably end up watching those but thanks for the warning..."

"Even though I'm not really a fan of action movies, I always enjoyed Tony Scott's movies. They were always very well made, entertaining and just plain fun. I was looking for his future work and it is a"

"How come he was rescued from a WWII battlefield if he died in 1932?!?"

"@the giraffe, and again another movie to add to your 'to-watch' list... Isn't it annoying? By the way, coming back on your comment about Anne Hathaway, I have seen half of her movies, maybe even more,"

"- Assault on Precinct 13. I still have the DVD for more than 6 months but didn't manage to watch it yet... Hopefully soon! By the way, it is not Carpenter's directing debut. It was 'Dark Star'( http:/"

"@michel, I don't even know who played those characters...."

"Goed gedaan, Nick! 3rd plaats!!! Ik ben super trots op jou!"

"- 'Vicky Christina Barcelona' . A decent Woody Allen flick, not much more than that, I'm afraid. - 'Rabid'. I really didn't like this one but it has been a while since I saw it. - 'Lost in translation"

"Again, awesome selection ! total watched : 8 (I didn't like much 'All of me' and 'Malice' but the rest is really worth a look) More movies to watch... it never ends...."

"My suggestions : - Dรฉjร vu - Domino - The Fan - Crimson tide - True Romance - The Hunger"

"@Happy Vader, if you like action movies, there are all worth a look."

"Yeah, I googled it ... 'WASHINGTON โ Nobel Peace Prize winner and international symbol of freedom Nelson Mandela is flagged on U.S. terrorist watch lists and needs special permission to visit t"

"Where have you heard that Nelson Mandela was banned in the USA?!? that is one of the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.... I mean, there is a remote possibility that he was banned in the USA dur"

"@m0821196, no I haven't see 'Harakiri' but I'm only 32 years old so I still have the time to check it out one day..."

"your comment about Brigitte Bardot 'She was flawless' is pretty funny, she is not dead, you know... Same thing for Jane Birkin"

"Half of those movies have nothing to do with Disney..."

"@Lamourderer, - Into Great Silence. Not added, following what I have read about it, it doesn't sound really weird to me. Maybe if I see it, I will change my mind though. - Cane Toads. Not added,"

"@Lamourderer, Of course, 95% of the movies on this list are obscure, that's the whole point but I have to draw a line somewhere. My rule is that if there is no information on Imdb or on Wikipedia, "