"I'm half way through counting the points but there is room for about 34 more votes. Keep voting!"

"I can't believe you had so less to say about 'Django Unchained'. As if every movie made by Tarantino should be loved without any kind of discussion. It doesn't sound much better than the Nolan maffia."

"@AVPGuyver21, thanks for the suggestions! However, I haven't added 'Pink Flamingos'. Indeed, a cult classic but a little too obscure and 'Desperado' which is a fun flick but hardly a classic."

"Pretty much spot on concerning the best picture!"

"I agree with all your comments, even about the super-hero movies but you can at least make sure that you write 'Nicolas Cage' correctly."

"Same as Stella, but I guess that's what most people think when they hear about this movie. By the way, Haneke is Austrian with a German father."

"@silent killer, there is no mention of a 'Rubber Face' on the imdb..."

"Even though I think the Coen brothers make some brilliant movies, I do think they have a really specific style, a style which is an acquired taste and absolutely not for everyone."

"@The O.P., I was speaking in general... Concerning 'Final Fantasy', he was actually right, it is now generally considered a technical milestone, it just didn't connect with the audience."

"If you check the reviews carrefully, you will notice that Roger Ebert is well aware that most of those movies were pure trash and who doesn't like to watch some trash once in a while? Ebert has also s"

"@vraifriandise, your comment is not relevant. IQ test are mostly based on logic and common sense, not historical or cultural knowledge. Concerning Bush jr., I'm pretty sure this is some PR crap."

"Still missing 37 votes, so if you're interested, you still can participate!"

"n.8 is a pic of 'Cedar Rapids', not 'Confessions of...'"

"@AVPGuyver, thanks for the suggestions! They have been added."

"@Sinikka, 'A Clockwork Orange' is actually one of the very rare examples where I really don't agree with Roger Ebert. In my opinion, he just didn't connected with the movie which is widely considered "

"@Fortunato, good point. Of course, when you are a teenager, you'd rather watch some fun movies whereas some seasoned critics like them would be more interested in some more subtsancial flicks."

"@Fortunato, if you made a point to watch most of the two thumbs down, you mush have watched a lot of crap. Personally, 95% of the time, I agree completely with Roger Ebert and if I don't, his argument"

"Ook een leuk lijst! Ik loop een beetje achter met 'Saw' (alleen maar 2 films gezien). Aan de andere kant, aangezien dat ik deel 2 helemaal niet leuk vond, heb ik niet zoveel haast... Volgens mij, h"

"Leuk hoor! Volgens mij heeft mij stiefzon alle 'land of the time' films op video maar ik ben gestopt na de 1erste film. Ik wist het ook niet dat ze zoveel jackass films hadden gemaakt. Persoonlijk be"

"@Happy Vader, thanks for your support! As usual, you rule ;)"

"@Visitor, no matter who you might be, you shouldn't be afraid to put a comment with your own account... Have you seen the previous editions? Usually, the Finnish users represent 1/5 of the voters and "

"@ultimateone, I think you misunderstood the concept of this list. You have to give your 10 favorite movies of all time, it doesn't matter if there are already on the list or not. If you want, you can "

"My dear listal members, I'm also rather disappointed that so many Nolan's movies are so high up however : 1. I still have to count 90 votes so they could and hopefully will drop 2. On the Imdb top"

"I have a 6 years old daughter and she saw 'Rapunzel' (which is the original title in the Netherlands) about 100 times. We even saw it in the theater. - Dumbo : First one she watched at 3 years old "

"Wow... My 3rd year in a row! Not too shabby. And this time, I even managed to get the 1st spot! Now, I have to find something else for 2013...."

"I have seen none of those either but, usually, Roger knows what he is talking about."

"Dear Listal friends, over 3 days, the 4th edition of this awesome poll will start so keep in touch!"

"Coming back on Tom Hanks, the movies he directed were not too bad but quite forgettable. At least, that's my opinion but you can keep him there. I think Tarantino should be added as well."

"Interesting list but I would remove Tom Hanks though. Indeed, he has written and directed those 2 movies but neither of them were financially or critically successful. Nice work though!"