Posted : 9 years, 5 months ago on 28 September 2015 05:21
(A review of
The Madness of King George)
I remember it quite well, when it was released,  there was a pretty good buzz about this movie which was the main reason why I eventually checked it out. Basically,  it was a pretty good mix between a comedy and a historical periode drama. Obviously,  this movie would be mostly remembered for the  great performance delivered by the late Nigel Hawthorne. Eventually, the guy would receive a well deserved Academy Award nomination for his fine work. Back then, Hawthorne was above all famous for his theater career and event though he had apparently a productive TV career, it was only with this movie that he finally managed to have his breakthrough with the mainstream audience. Coming back to our main feature, even though it was well made and fairly entertaining,  it was still missing something to become truly amazing. I donât know, maybe,  it had to do with the fact that,  even though it was an intriguing story, it was all rather predictable and I'm not sure I really cared about the characters and what they were going through. To conclude, even though I don't think it is really a masterpiece, it was still a really solid periode piece and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you like the genre.Â

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Posted : 9 years, 5 months ago on 28 September 2015 11:42
(A review of
The 4th Man)
Even though this movie seems to be rather forgotten nowadays, especially outside the Netherlands, I really liked it a lot and I should definitely re-watch it at some point. Basically, this movie was the last one directed by Paul Verhoeven before he left the Netherlands and it is my favorite one from this period just behind 'Turks Fruit'. Above all, I thought that the story was just fascinating and, in my opinion, I believe it was in fact a better version of 'Basic Instinct'.  Indeed, to be honest, I always had some mixed feelings about 'Basic Instinct' because, even though the set-up was great, the plot was after all really far-fetched and rather half-baked. Here, Verhoeven gave us another erotic thriller about a man falling in love with a seemingly dangerous woman but the end-result was this time much more rewarding, at least, thatâs my opinion. Instead of Rutger Hauer, the lead was played this time by Jeroen KrabbbĂŠ and he gave a really solid performance. Above all, Paul Verhoeven was just at the top of his game at the time and delivered a steamy dark and spellbinding thriller. To conclude, I think it is a great feature and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you are interested in Paul Verhoevenâs work.

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Posted : 9 years, 5 months ago on 27 September 2015 08:53
(A review of
Honestly,  it is a rather obscure movie so I wasn't sure what to expect from it but since there was a pretty cool cast,  I was quite eager to check it out. At the end of the day, I think it is a risky move to call your movie 'Dummy', I mean, it doesnât make the whole thing really attractive,  thatâs for sure. Eventually,  you find rather early on that it actual deals with ventrilocism but I'm not sure that this piece of information should really improve the expectations of the potential viewer. Anyway, I have to confess,  I didn't like it much, I'm afraid. Seriously,  after the first 10 minutes,  I had actually seen pretty much enough of it and I seriously started to dread the whole thing.  Basically,  it was yet another  supposedly quirky indie comedy with some supposedly funny characters who all actually turned out to be either obnoxious or really pathetic. After a while,  I'll give you that, it started to grow on to me, thanks to the interesting cast (Adrien Brody, Milla Jovovich, Vera Farmiga) but the material was just too weak. To conclude,  even though the whole thing was not a complete waste of time, it was still rather underwhelming and I don't think it is really worth a look.

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Posted : 9 years, 5 months ago on 26 September 2015 10:04
(A review of
Irrational Man)
I really wanted to like this movie... But all things considered, I must admit that it was rather disappointing.  The first issue I had was that the two main characters were rather unlikable. Indeed, Abe Lucas was pretty much a drunk who happened to have read a lot of books. However, thanks to a very good performance by Joaquin Phoenix, he was still intriguing to watch. Unfortunately, from the moment that he killed a man that he barely knew  just to feel alive, it became pretty much impossible to root for the guy. Concerning the other lead character,  also very well played by the lovely Emma Stone, she was pretty much a promiscuous rich spoiled girl who didn't seem to have any issue with first telling her boyfriend that she loved him and then, 5 minutes later, to hook up with her philosophy teacher. However, the main issue was that the whole thing wasn't really funny or entertaining. The mistake made by Woody Allen, in my opinion, is that he thought that there was something supposedly hilarious to have someone killing someone else rather at random. I mean, Alfred Hitchcock made an amazing film called 'Rope' which was pretty much about the same subject, a perfect murder made for some philosophical reasons and it was just fascinating. This movie did work because it was a nail-biting thriller and that movie didnât work because it was supposed to be a comedy when there was absolutely nothing really funny about the subject. Anyway, to conclude, in spite of its flaws, it was still a decent watch though, especially thanks to the fine actors involved but it was pretty much another minor effort for Woody Allen, I'm afraid.Â

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Posted : 9 years, 5 months ago on 26 September 2015 03:40
(A review of
The Emperor's New Groove)
Even though it might be considered a minor effort among Disney's animated features, I think it is actually terribly underrated and, in fact, I would go as far as saying that it is actually one of their very best productions. Sure, I will give you that, it was not one of their most gorgeous movies, even though the animation was still really solid, but it is by far their most hilarious movie. Indeed, from the beginning until the very end, it is filled with some nice jokes and the whole thing is just non-stop entertaining and just really funny. On top of that, I thought that the characters were really neat as well. Indeed, for once, they finally moved on from their old formula and they gave us a really obnoxious main character. I mean, Kuzco was still charismatic and entertaining but he was really mean and messed up which was something Disney never tried before. For example, even though their version of 'Beauty and the Beast' was heralded, I thought they terribly toned down the darker aspects of the Beast and they turned this supposedly terrifying monster into some rather rude and grumpy kid. Here, Kuzco was a much more interesting character. Eventually, this approach was not really rewarded and they never really took such risks again in the future, except maybe with 'Lilo & Stitch' made just a few years later, and that's a real shame. Anyway, to conclude, I really loved this flick and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you are eager to see something different from Disney.Â

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Posted : 9 years, 5 months ago on 25 September 2015 10:41
(A review of
Nowadays, Marvel is pretty much ruling the box-office but there was a time when they were nowhere to be found and it was DC who came out with some very successful super-hero features. First, at the end of the 70's, with 'Superman', and then 10 years later with this movie focusing this time on the Dark Knight. I remember it very well when it came out, there was a huge buzz about this movie. Indeed, you could see the famous logo all over the place, there was some Batman merchandising everywhere and me and my little brother even got some Batman sweaters at the time. Basically, it was huge and pretty much the biggest film event  at the time. With all this excitement, I just had to see it pretty bad and , back in those days (I was 9-10 years old), I was just really blown away by the whole thing. Indeed, I had never seen anything like this before and I thought it was just awesome. Eventually,  I think it is above really enjoyable when you are just a kid and, of course, 20 years later, it does look pretty cheesy, especially when you compare it to Christopher Nolan's trilogy but back in those days, it was really groundbreaking and it still deserve a lot of respect. To conclude, this movie is really a childhood favorite and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you like the genre.Â

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Posted : 9 years, 5 months ago on 25 September 2015 08:28
(A review of
My Wife Is an Actress)
To be honest, it has been a while since I have seen this flick. If I recall it correctly, when it was released in France, there was a pretty good buzz about it so I went to see the damned thing in the movie theater. Eventually, I thought it really deserved all the praise it had received. Indeed, even though it was nothing really ground-breaking, it was still a refreshing and fairly entertaining romantic-comedy. Of course, there was something âmetaâ about this project as Yvan Attal and Charlotte Gainsbourg were a real life couple (by now, for more than 2 decades already) and, of course,  Gainsbourg was/is a fairly famous actress. Even though this whole concept could have been rather self-centered, Attal managed to keep enough distance from the material (above all by making his character an âaverageâ guy)  to make it really enjoyable. Eventually, it was pretty obvious that it was Yvan Attalâs directing debut as the whole thing was cute and charming but not much more than that, Iâm afraid. To conclude, even though it wasnât really a masterpiece, I thought it was pretty good and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you are interested in French movies.Â

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Posted : 9 years, 5 months ago on 24 September 2015 09:24
(A review of
I'm a huge fan of ' Cidade de Deus' so I was really eager to see Fernando Meirelles's last directing effort. On top of that,  there was an impressive international cast involved ( Rachel Weisz, Anthony Hopkins, Jude Law, Ben Foster, Jamel Debbouze and Moritz Bleibtreu) so it seemed to be a really promising feature. Eventually, even though the whole thing definitely had some potential, it turned out to be rather underwhelming.  Basically, it was once again one of these hyperlink features connecting some various characters and their own little stories. I mean, sure, the actors were good, I liked the international setting with many different countries and I don't how many different languages. I also liked the fact that all the nationalities displayed where cast by actors from the same country of their characters which is something actually rarely rare. Unfortunately, even though all those details were fine, none of those stories were actually really interesting and some of them honestly didnât make much sense.  Let's take Ben Foster's story for example. The guy was apparently a sex offender,  obviously really messed up and, somehow, he managed to meet a very nice looking Brazilian girl in an airport. Apparently,  the makers would like us to even believe that she  would decide to take him to her room to have a good time. I mean,  seriously?!? It seemed really far-fetched and the fact that the guy, who was in jail for something like 6 years without any contact with a woman,  would reject her even if she was pretty much begging him to jump her was just seriously unbelievable. I mean, I don't blame Foster,  he is a fine actor and he gave everything he could but that was some really poor writing. The rest of the movie was pretty much switching between some other improbable settings and some other more believable but still underwhelming tales. To conclude,  it wasn't some complete garbage and I do believe they could have delivered something interesting out of this but the end-result was rather disappointing.Â

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Posted : 9 years, 5 months ago on 24 September 2015 09:19
(A review of
Back in the 90's, I used to be a huge fan of Takeshi Kitano and I ended up watching 9 of his movies. I have to admit that, nowadays, I don't follow much his work anymore but it doesn't seem that I'm missing much. Anyway, this flick was one of the last features directed by Kitano that I had the pleasure to watch. Indeed, since his reputation was growing exponentially abroad, Kitano went to the USA to direct âBrotherâ which turned out to be decent but still not really amazing. For this follow-up, he was back in Japan to make this feature which would be easily his most poetic movie. Compared to âBrotherâ which was his least interesting movie but easily to swallow, this one was probably his least accessible one for the mainstream audience but I really enjoyed it a lot. This time, he also decided to give us 3 different stories and while Iâm usually not really fan of this approach, I thought it worked fine here. Basically, you get 3 love stories, all filled with symbolism, and it was quite spellbinding to behold. To conclude, I really enjoyed this movie a lot and I think it is really worth a look, especially if you are interested in Takeshi Kitanoâs work.    Â

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Posted : 9 years, 5 months ago on 23 September 2015 08:54
(A review of
Thirteen Conversations About One Thing)
Since I had this movie for quite some time on dvd, I thought it was really time to watch the damned thing. It is a rather obscure movie which was barely seen when it was released but, Â apparently, Â Roger Ebert really loved it so I was really eager to check it out. Well, Â even though I did like it, Â I canât say I was really blown away by the whole thing like good old Roger. Basically, Â it was one of those hyperlink features which were quite popular at the time with some various sub-plots and characters more or less linked with each other. Even though I always had a weak spot for the genre and even though it was definitely a solid effort, it was still missing something to be really remarkable to me. I mean, I did like the fact that it was really grounded in reality, that all the characters talked and acted as some really realistic human-beings but I think I never really cared much about what they were all going through. Apparently, Â it was all supposed to be rather philosophical about human nature and all but I guess most of it went over my head. Anyway, to conclude, even if it didnât really blow me away, it was still a decent watch and I think it is worth a look.Â

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