“Since this movie was John Carpenter's directing debut, I was quite eager to check it out. Well, to be honest, I really had a hard time to care about the damned thing, probably because I was expecting something completely different. Indeed, with its title and its poster and since it was directed by J” read more
“I wasn't really expecting much from this flick but since Nick, my step-son, was really eager to see it, we ended up watching it in the movie theater. In fact, I actually saw 'Jumanji' in the movie theater when it was released at the time so it was actually pretty cool to see this new installment wit” read more
“To be honest, I didn't really expect much from this flick but since the previous installments involving Robert Langdon were actually watchable, I thought I might as well give it a try. Well, even though it was not awful, I still had a hard time to care about the damned thing, I'm afraid. First of al” read more
“Well, even though the penguins in Madagascar were indeed probably the best characters in this franchise, I'm not sure that to make a spin-off around these guys was such a good idea. Anyway, I still wanted to check it out anyway but, unfortunately, I didn't care much for the damned thing. First of al” read more