“To be honest, I wasn’t expecting much from this movie especially since I didn’t care at all for the previous instalment at all. Well, maybe because I had such low expectations about the damned thing but I thought it was not so bad after all. First of all, many complained about the fact that many” read more
“Since it was the last movie directed by Mike Leigh, I was quite eager to check it out. To be honest, I have to admit I have never been a huge fan of Turner’s work. I mean, his paintings are decent but they are simply not among my favorites. Still, the guy was one of the most important British pain” read more
“I already saw this movie but since it was a while back, I thought I might as well check it out again. Basically, it was one of those many ambitious projects directed by Oliver Stone which didn't end up doing very well critically and/or commercially. Well, even if it was maybe nothing really groundbr” read more
“To be honest, it has been a while since I have this flick but since I didn’t like it much the first time around, I don’t think I will waste my time a 2nd time with this movie. First of all, I have to admit it, even though it seemed to be really lame, eventually, ‘American Pie’ turned out to ” read more
“In the contrary to the other members of my film club with whom I have seen this movie, I have actually watched most of the movies directed by François Ozon and what I probably like the most about this director is his verstality. Indeed, you never really know what you will get with him and, this tim” read more
“Like everyone else, of course, I heard about Stephen Hawking but I have to admit that he didn't know much about him so, only therefore, I was quite eager to check this movie and since it received some good reviews, there was a fair chance that it could turn out to be a decent watch. And, indeed, Haw” read more
“I already saw this flick but since it was a while back, I thought I might as well check it out again. In fact, I actually saw the damned thing in the movie theater when it was released. Anyway, even though it was nothing amazing, I always had a weak spot for this flick and it is definitely one of my” read more