Posted : 6 years, 6 months ago on 6 September 2018 09:34
(A review of
Four Lions)
Since I kept hearing some really good things about this movie, I was really eager to check it out. Well, to be honest, while watching this flick, I kept thinking 'how the hell did they get away with this?'. I mean, it's not that I was shocked or that I thought that it was disrespectful but it had more to do with the fact thay some comedians or cartoonists might get some actual death threats if they make fun of Mohamed or the Islam in general. Anyway, with this movie, not only did they make fun of the Muslim terrorists in general, they went completely all the way and delivered one of the darkest comedies I have ever seen. In fact, they went so over-the-top that it became rather difficult to take the whole thing really seriously and I wonder if a slightly more realistic approach wouldn't have been more effective. Another thing that slightly bothered me was the fact that the whole thing was just so random. Finally, these 5 guys were all so pathetic and stupid that it was rather difficult to really care about them. Still, the damned thing was sometimes so hilarious and you have to give some credits for the makers to dare deliver something so bold about such a sensitive subject. Anyway, to conclude, even if it wasn't a complete home-run, it was still a really solid comedy and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you like the genre.Â

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Posted : 6 years, 6 months ago on 6 September 2018 09:19
(A review of
A Quiet Place)
Since I kept hearing some really good things about this movie, I was really eager to check it out. Well, to be honest, I actually ended up with pretty much the same feeling I had with âGet Outâ which was another massively heralded horror flick released last year. Indeed, with both movies, the directing and acting were both really solid, it was really entertaining but, somehow, it still didnât really blow me though away. I mean, sure, the concept was pretty neat and it was really nice to see a really good movie dealing with mutes after the terribly underwhelming âMuteâ from Duncan Jones but, at the end of the day, it was still a gimmick after all. Indeed, even though the characters did their best to be as silent as possible and even though they went through some massive precautions to remain safe, you know that, at some point, one of them will make some noise because, otherwise, there wouldnât be a story to tell and it made the whole thing rather predictable. Still, I have to admit that it was a bold move to make a horror movie with barely any (spoken) dialog and, just after I was done watching this flick, I was suddenly so aware of the sounds around me and the sounds I was making myself which was just really neat. Anyway, to conclude, even if I didnât think that it was really a masterpiece, it was still a really solid horror movie and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you want to see something original.Â

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Posted : 6 years, 6 months ago on 6 September 2018 08:17
(A review of
I really had no idea what to expect from this flick but since there was a decent cast involved, I thought I might as well check it out. First of all, it was pretty neat to see Paul Bettany playing the lead for once. Concerning the movie itself, it seemed to be another crime thriller about a top detective solving a murder case but it actually turned out to be about an actually rather average cop who completely f*cked-up an investigation with some dramatic consequences and this approach was quite refreshing. On top of that, the cast involved (Paul Bettany, Stephen Graham, Mark Strong, Brian Cox) gave some really solid performances. I also enjoyed the fact that they didnât give so much information about Brian Cox character but you still could figure out that the guy was neither a great cop either and that his main method was mostly to frighten the suspects but also his collegues. Still, even though it turned out to be a decent watch, the whole thing was still too generic and predictable though. Indeed, basically, it was a variation on âCrime and Punishmentâ but they didnât add anything really new to the genre. Anyway, to conclude, even if it was nothing really groundbreaking, it was not bad at all and I think it is worth a look, especially if you like the genre.

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Posted : 6 years, 6 months ago on 4 September 2018 09:45
(A review of
Pacific Rim: Uprising)
Even though 'Pacific Rim' had a great concept and one of the most interesting directors at work nowadays, it turned out to be rather underwhelming and I was actually rather surprised that they still went for a sequel. As I expected, this sequel went by very quickly without making much waves at the box-office so I think we are pretty much done with this franchise. This time, Del Toro didn't even direct the damned thing so it was even less inspired and the story was just so convoluted. I mean, there were only a few Kaijus and they showed up only in the 3rd act which was also rather disappointing. The only positive thing was that John Boyega was just really charismatic and managed single-handedly to make the whole thing at least watchable but it wasn't enough, I'm afraid. Indeed, the rest of the cast was just so boring which was already a major issue with the previous installment. Still, I have to admit that I do have a weak spot for those blockbusters taylor-made for the Chinese market which pretty much completely ignore the US. Anyway, to conclude, I think I was rather generous with my rating here but I still think it could be actually pretty neat if you are a boy around 12 years old but, otherwise, you will find the whole thing rather tedious to watch.

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Posted : 6 years, 6 months ago on 2 September 2018 09:34
(A review of
Need for Speed)
To be honest, I wasn't expecting much from this flick but since it was available on Netflix , I thought I might as well check it out. Well, at least, it wasn't a shameless copycat of 'The Fast and The Furious' but that's probably the only positive thing about this movie. Seriously, to make a movie about a video game is usually a bad idea but to make a movie about a race video game was even worse. I mean, I did play one of the 'Need for Speed' games many years ago and I have to admit that it was pretty neat but there was no story involved whatsoever so they had to come up with something but the end-result was long, rather boring and most of the time really preposterous. The most bewildering thing was the impressive cast they managed to get for this movie (Aaron Paul, Dominic Cooper, Imogen Poots, Rami Malek, Dakota Johnson, Michael Keaton) and you wonder why they all got involved in such a weak and pretty much doomed to fail project. At least, it did make sense for Aaron Paul who was trying to shake up his image after his breakthrough with 'Breaking Bad' but he wasn't really convincing as some badass racer. Anyway, the whole thing was pretty much a waste of time and I don't think it is really worth a look, except maybe if you really like the genre.Â

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Posted : 6 years, 6 months ago on 2 September 2018 06:00
(A review of
The Dressmaker)
I already saw this movie but since it was available on Netflix, I thought I might as well check it out again. Well, even though this movie was apparently a big success in Australia, I really struggled to care about the damned thing and, to be honest, I enjoyed it even the less the 2nd time around. First of all, even though Winslet delivered another solid performance, after the already underwhelming 'A Little Chaos', I would like to see her playing an ordinary woman instead of someone exceptionally talented for a change. Furthermore, I didn't like much the idea of a poor little girl who was sent away making a comeback only after she had acquired some mighty skills. On top of that, the whole thing was a rather weird mix of a quirky comedy with some kind of revenge drama/thriller. It was also really convenient that nobody remembered what exactly happened except when it was required by the script. Anyway, basically, it was a little bit all over the place and it featured not one but two of the most pathetic deaths I have ever seen in a movie. To conclude, this movie didn't really work for me but it don't think it was really bad either so I guess it might be worth a look, at least, if you like the genre.

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Posted : 6 years, 6 months ago on 1 September 2018 09:51
(A review of
The Train)
I really had no idea what to expect from this movie but since it had a pretty good reputation and since I have a weak spot for John Frankenheimer's work, I thought I might as well check it out. While watching this movie, I was thinking about what one of my uncles usually says about WWII movies. Basically, the guy really loves movies but, by now, he has seen enough movies dealing with this conflict and, to be honest, I do share his lack of enthusiasm towards this kind of movies and maybe that's why this flick didn't really blow me away. Still, even so, it turned out to be a really solid World War II thriller with some really nice action scenes. Indeed, one of the main focus of Frankenheimer was to be as realistic as possible so most of what happened seemed be doable and therefore it was much more entertaining than the nonsense that you get in your modern action flick. The only thing which seemed slightly far-fetched was how they desguised numerous train stations. Also, the accents were completely random. I mean, all the characters were speaking English but sometimes with a French accent, sometimes with a German accent or sometimes with an American accent but it wasn't a big deal. I also liked the fact that pretty much all the resistance fighters had never seen any of these paintings and, yet, so many died to preventing them to be sent to Germany. Same thing about the Nazis, they didn't care about human lives or books but they were interested in these paintings but only because of their financial value so there was sometimes something slightly unreal about the whole thing. Anyway, to conclude, I thought it was pretty good and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you like the genre.

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Posted : 6 years, 6 months ago on 31 August 2018 08:04
(A review of
Irreplaceable You)
Well, I keep trying with the Netflix original features but, to be honest, most of them turn out to be at best rather underwhelming and that's a rather generous statement. This movie was a perfect example. I mean, I have to admit it, it was not bad but if you have seen before some other movies dealing with a terminal patient, you won't see anything new here. Also it didn't help that they removed most of the ugly parts involving a death by cancer and I was amazed by how good Mbatha-Raw looked even until the very end. I won't blame Gugu Mbatha-Raw and Michiel Huisman though. Indeed, they both delivered some solid performances, they had some nice chemistry together and there was something really cute about this couple who had been together since they were some little kids. However, the whole concept of having her looking for his next partner after she's gone was never really interesting, as pointed out many times by the always awesome Christopher Walker. Indeed, Walken once again really nailed it and he was the only one who managed to do something really interesting with the material. Anyway, to conclude, it wasn't really bad and I guess it is worth a look but I'm pretty sure that I will forget it fairly quickly.

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Posted : 6 years, 6 months ago on 31 August 2018 10:10
(A review of
House at the End of the Street)
I wasnât really sure what to expect from this flick but since I have a weak spot for [Link removed - login to see][Link removed - login to see][Link removed - login to see], I thought I might as well check it out. Well, even though Jennifer Lawrence and Max Thieriot were actually not bad at all and had some pretty good chemistry together, pretty much nothing else did work in this flick. Indeed, it started out as a rather average and boring horror flick with a couple of poorly developed sub-plots but, during the third act, the whole thing completely fell apart. Indeed, they gave us 2 really pathetic twists which really ruined an already weak movie. The first twist involved the fact that the character played by Max Thieriot actually was abducting some random girls to take the place of his deceased sister. It was seriously idiotic because it gave the feeling that this town was actually right to act like some major bigots all the time towards this boy. The second twist was about the same character and it turned out that, after his sister died, he actually took her place and his parents handled him as if he was Carrie Anne himself through most of his youth and this turn was even more stupid. I mean, what happened all these years? Did really nobody notice that they switched their girl with a boy? She/he didnât go to school at all? Didnât they have any relatives/friends/neighbours wondering what the hell was going on in this family? So, at some point, the boy killed his parents but, then, again, what happened to him? Everydody was saying he was actually taking care by his aunt but how did they know this? Did this aunt exist at all? How was it supposed to work at all with the rest of this story? Anyway, to conclude, the whole thing was eventually a mess, I was actually rather generous with my rating and I donât think it is really worth a look.Â

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Posted : 6 years, 6 months ago on 30 August 2018 09:25
(A review of
Children of the Corn)
[Link removed - login to see]
I wasnât really sure what to expect from this movie but, somehow, I still ended up watching this flick. Well, I have to admit that I have never been a huge fan of Stephen King but it has been a while since I have seen such a pathetic adaptation of one of his books. First of all, I thought it was pretty obvious that it was based on a short-story and the makers somehow really struggled to expand this tale. Indeed, at least half of the movie was about Linda Hamilton and her boyfriend driving around the countryside and then running around some ghost town. It was rather bewildering as they could have simply developed the background of these characters or, even better, tell us more about Isaac or about âHe Who Walks Behind the Rowsâ. As a result, the damned thing was just so slow and boring and, to make things worse, all the children gave some rather poor performances. They also gave us some of the worst special effects I have ever seen. Itâs too bad because the damned thing actually had some potential. Surprisingly, this rather weak flick became somehow a cult-classic and spawned no less than 7 sequels which were all just as poorly received as this first instalment was. Anyway, to conclude, I think I was actually rather generous with my rating here and I donât think the damned thing is really worth a look.Â

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