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A very good movie

Posted : 7 years, 8 months ago on 13 July 2017 08:52 (A review of Game Change)

Since I had heard some interesting things about this movie, I was quite eager to check it out. First of all, even though I had heard about Sarah Palin, I couldn’t really remember what happened with her 10 years ago so it was pretty neat to discover what exactly went down at the time.  Eventually, the whole thing turned out to be a fascinating look on a political campaign but also on how populism can seem so misguided and yet so popular at the same time. Indeed, even though, at first, it seemed that the bet done by Republicans paid off as Palin became hugely popular overnight, it became pretty obvious as well that she was not only pretty much ignorant but also seriously inadequate to run in the highest office. And, yet, even though she might have seemed like a terrible choice, especially after watching this movie, I still think that this gamble made sense.  Indeed, back then, Barack Obama was running such an impressive campaign, as a result, the Republicans had to make such a bold choice and, at the time, a safer candidate would have never worked. At least, Palin, with her appeal, allowed the Republicans to compete almost at the same level with Obama. Anyway, to conclude, it was probably one of the best movies I have seen dealing with politics and I think it is definitely worth a look, especially if you are interested in this subject. 

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A good movie

Posted : 7 years, 8 months ago on 11 July 2017 09:18 (A review of The Lost City of Z)

Ever since I saw 'Little Odessa' and really loved the damned thing, I have been faithfully following James Gray but, to be honest, I alway had a hard time to really care about all the movies he made afterwards. This movie was unfortunately another example. I mean, like his previous directing efforts, it was well directed, visually really appealing and, once again, he got some really strong performances from his actors , especially from Charlie Hunnam who probably gave his best performance so far. And, yet, the whole thing turned out to be a decent watch but not much more than that, I'm afraid. I guess the failure of this movie was probably the fact that I never shared the obsession displayed by Percy Fawcett. To be honest, I thought it was rather difficult to take him seriously when the only proof he had was some story told by one single Indian and a few artifacts he found during his first trip. I didn't help either that after such amazing movies dealing with a similar subject like 'Aguirre' or the recent 'El abrazo de la serpiente', you would have to come up with something really strong to really impress me but this movie felt rather short. To conclude, even though it didn't really blow me away, it was still a decent movie and it is worth a look, especially if you like the genre. 

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A very good movie

Posted : 7 years, 8 months ago on 10 July 2017 08:39 (A review of Wild Tales)

Even though this movie is rather obscure, somehow, it still managed to get included in the IMDb top 250 so I was quite eager to check it out. Well, eventually, I can't really remember the last time I was so impressed by an anthology of short movies like this one. Indeed, except for 'Bombita' which was slightly weaker than the rest, all these little stories were just so strong and my favorite was probably the first one called 'Pasternak'. Indeed, they all displayed a perfect mix of drama, comedy and suspense and it is very rare to see such a mix working so well. I wonder if Damián Szifron was inspired by Roy Andersson's work as it seems that he took his formula but, in my opinion, he vastly improved it. I have to admit that I'm not an expert on Roy Andersson, after all, I have seen only one of his movies so far ('En duva satt på en gren och funderade på tillvaron'), but Szifron displayed here that you don't need to add so much abstract absurdism to make this formula work. Indeed, life and people in general are already absurd enough resulting in some hilarious moments. To conclude, I'm glad I discovered this movie thanks to IMDb, and if you love dark humor, you should definitely check it out. 

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A classic

Posted : 7 years, 8 months ago on 9 July 2017 07:32 (A review of Chinatown)

Of course, I already saw this movie but since it was a while back and since I had it on DVD, I was quite eager to check it out again. Well, it is probably Roman Polanski's most famous movie and, I think it completely deserves its stellar reputation. Indeed, it is basically a great mix of a traditional neo-noir feature with Polanski's dark and twisted directing style. I have to admit that the plot tends to be a little bit murky so it is definitely a movie that you can easily watch a couple of times just to fully understand all the details and what the hell is actually going on. Anyway, the murkiness of the plot was actually something really inherent to genre and I really enjoyed the fact that none of the characters were really good as they all seemed to be pretty messed up, something recurrent in Polanski's work. This movie is also one of the many classics starring Jack Nicholson and he was just great in this. Eventually, it would be the last picture Polanski made in the US as he had to fled the country following the neverending drama involved in his personal life. It's such a pity because, back then, he was one of the most successful and highly regarded movie directors in the world. Anyway, coming back to our main feature, it is really a classic and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you like the genre. 

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A good movie

Posted : 7 years, 8 months ago on 8 July 2017 08:32 (A review of Luna)

Since I always had a weak spot for Bernardo Bertolucci's work, I was quite eager to check this movie. Well, even though it worked better than 'La tragedia di un uomo ridicolo', I have to admit that I still had a hard time to get into this movie. Eventually, I'm not sure what bothered me the most between how disturbing the material was or how the whole thing felt terribly random to me. I mean, you even get a short scene with Roberto Begnini providing his usual typical joke but the guy never came back again. They also started in Italy, then went to America and then again in Italy without any transition. I mean, the very first scene with Joe in Italy, you had actually to guess that it was actually taking place in Italy and, somehow, he was in a car full of teenagers. Who were they? How did he meet them? Then, he suddenly left the car without a warning, another Italian girl left the car as well and they ended up in a movie theater half-naked almost having sex pretty much in front of everyone. You see what I mean when I talk about random? And the movie kept on going like this, jumping unexpectedly from one thing to something usually completely unrelated but I guess that was also what made this movie appealing. It was actually a pity that this movie is so notorious because it deals with an incestuous relationship and I wonder how I would have felt if I didn't known from the beginning what would eventually happen. Anyway, to conclude,  even though it was far from being one of the best movies from the Italian maestro, it was still a decent watch and I think it is worth a look, especially if you are interested in Bertolucci's work.

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A good movie

Posted : 7 years, 8 months ago on 7 July 2017 09:57 (A review of Spider-Man: Homecoming)

I already saw this movie but since I just bought a brand new TV, I thought I might as well check it out again. Well, unfortunately, to be honest, pretty much like 99% of the MCU instalments I have been rewatching lately, the damned thing didn’t turn out to be as amazing as I remembered. Indeed, the biggest issue was that it was too long and, on top of that, the story felt rather flat the 2nd time around. Still, even so, it remains hands-down the best Spider-Man movie I have seen so far. Eventually, even though Sony must be happy with the deal they have made, it still must be painful for them that none of the previous installment they made without the help of Marvel was so good and it is even more embarrassing that these guys managed to deliver the best Spider-Man movie directly with their very first attempt. Basically, even though like anyone else, I always thought that Spider-Man was one of the best characters in this genre, the previous movies always messed up some crucial elements. In this movie, at last, they cast an actor who wasn't reaching his 30's and the tone was just pitch-perfect. As you must know by now, this time around, they went for some high-school vibe which worked so well with this character. On top of that, even the way they added this movie into the more and more complex MCU worked well and it didn't feel forced like in many of the recent installments. Another thing that was very well done was how they managed to keep a small scale which was so refreshing following the overblown mess that they gave us in their previous movies. The only minor issue I had was that, even though Michael Keaton was solid as usual, the Vulture was not really an impressive villain, especially compared to the awesome enemies they gave us in most of the previous installments. Anyway, to conclude, even if it might not be one of the best MCU instalments out there after all, it is still pretty good and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you like the genre.

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A good movie

Posted : 7 years, 8 months ago on 7 July 2017 10:49 (A review of Killer Joe)

Since I kept hearing some pretty good things about this flick, I was quite eager to check it out. Eventually, even if not everything did work and even if it was nothing really original, it turned out to be such a disturbing movie, I don’t think I will soon forget it. Basically, this movie had 2 things that worked really well. First, they gave us  this very ominous atmosphere, especially during the opening scene which was quite spellbinding. Then, of course, you had Matthew [Link removed - login to see][Link removed - login to see]who was just starting to make one of the greatest come-back ever in motion picture history. I mean, sure, the guy gave a decent performance in ‘The Lincoln Lawyer’ which was the official start of the  ‘McConaissance’ but he was just so much more impressive in this movie, he gave here the darkest but also easily one of the best performances of his career. Only a few years before , this actor was famous for playing some boring pretty boys  and, somehow, he actually kept the same formula here but gave this formula an extra dark edge which was quite fascinating.  Concerning the other characters, even though they were all some major losers and even though it was obvious from the start that their plan would be a major failure, they were still interesting.  Still, I had some hard time to swallow everything Chris did. The biggest problem I had with him was not really that he was a major f*ckup but the fact that he became seriously annoying as he kept hanging on his sister for no good reason. Anyway, to conclude, in spite of  its limitations, there was something quite fascinating about this really dark and disturbing thriller and I think it is definitely worth a look. 

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A good movie

Posted : 7 years, 8 months ago on 5 July 2017 08:53 (A review of Muhammad Ali's Greatest Fight)

I wasn't really sure what to expect from this movie but since I have a weak spot for Stephen Frears's work, I was quite eager to check it out. Well, even though the title made sense, it was still rather misguiding as many people would legitimately expect a movie about boxing and not such a historical court drama. Furthermore, even though Ali was prominently displayed on the promotional material, he wasn't even an actual character in this tale and the whole thing was more about how the Supreme Court had to deal with his case at the time. And, yet, in spite all this, it was still a decent watch. Indeed, it was actually the first movie I saw focusing on the US Supreme Court and only therefore I thought it was incredibly interesting. Indeed, they gave use a good look at this institution and its proceedings and how its principles were and still are noble but also how it has often been crippled by the fact that it has always been ruled by some very old white men from the upper-class (at least, at the time but I'm pretty sure it hasn't much changed since then). Of course, you might wonder if it all went down this way thanks to some young idealist clerk and I could have easily done without John Harlan's private issues. Anyway, to conclude, even though it was definitely not a masterpiece whatsoever, I thought it was still pretty good and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you like the genre.

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A bad movie

Posted : 7 years, 8 months ago on 5 July 2017 08:02 (A review of Catch .44)

To be honest, I wasn’t expecting much from this flick but since I have a weak spot for Bruce Willis, I thought I might as well check it out. Unfortunately, it turned out to be one of his crappy direct-to-DVD releases that he keeps making nowadays. Seriously, even though the guy was shown prominently on all the promotional material, he had maybe 10 minutes of screentime which was just typical. To make things worse, the whole thing was just really weak. I mean, it is rather pathetic that, almost 20 years after the release of ‘Pulp Fiction’, we still get such lame copycats.  Indeed, for no good reason, the whole thing went back and forth in time and they even gave us a typical Tarantino diner scene with some supposedly clever dialogue but even Tarantino himself has over used this gimmick by now. And then, at last, Bruce Willis finally showed up and the guy gave such a lame performance, it was just rather cringe-inducing to behold. Same thing with Forest Whitaker, he tried to give his character some quirky features but it seriously backfired. To conclude, in spite of a decent cast, I turned out to be actually prett bad and I don’t think it is worth a look at all. 

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A bad movie

Posted : 7 years, 8 months ago on 5 July 2017 07:46 (A review of Catch .44)

To be honest, I wasn’t expecting much from this flick but since I have a weak spot for Bruce Willis, I thought I might as well check it out. Unfortunately, it turned out to be one of his crappy direct-to-DVD releases that he keeps making nowadays. Seriously, even though the guy was shown prominently on all the promotional material, he had maybe 10 minutes of screentime which was just typical. To make things worse, the whole thing was just really weak. I mean, it is rather pathetic that, almost 20 years after the release of ‘Pulp Fiction’, we still get such lame copycats.  Indeed, for no good reason, the whole thing went back and forth in time and they even gave us a typical Tarantino diner scene with some supposedly clever dialogue but even Tarantino himself has over used this gimmick by now. And then, at last, Bruce Willis finally showed up and the guy gave such a lame performance, it was just rather cringe-inducing to behold. Same thing with Forest Whitaker, he tried to give his character some quirky features but it seriously backfired. To conclude, in spite of a decent cast, I turned out to be actually prett bad and I don’t think it is worth a look at all. 

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