Posted : 14 years, 3 months ago on 14 October 2010 10:44
(A review of
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time)
During the last 5 years, Jake Gyllenhaal has becoming one of the most interesting actors of his generation giving some really acclaimed performances along the way ('Southpaw','Nightcrawler', 'Prisoners', 'End of Watch',...). However, at some point, his ambition seemed to be also a blockbuster star. Indeed, in fact, he was even set to replace Tobey Maguirre in 'Spider-Man 2' but, it didn't happen and, eventually, he finally got his shot with this massive Bruckheimer production. So far, most video-game adaptations had been pretty much useless so far but it could have worked with this video-game though. I remember playing the very first version which was very minimalistic at a friend's house when I was just a kid and this game was definitely one of my all-time favorites. Indeed, there was some great potential to create a neat story from this source. Unfortunately, the end-result was rather underwhelming. Basically, this movie was just a Pirates of the Carribean-wannabe. Again, Jake Gyllenhaal is a very nice actor and he tried very hard but he was no Johnny Depp (even though it doesn't mean much nowadays) and the story was rather convoluted. It could have worked but it just did not. So, there won't be any sequel this time after all, Mr Bruckheimer ! Anyway, for a blockbuster, it is still not that bad and I think it is still worth a look but don't expect anything really amazing.
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Posted : 14 years, 3 months ago on 14 October 2010 10:43
(A review of
The Incredible Hulk)
I already saw this movie but since I have it on DVD and since I just bought an awesome brand new TV, I thought I might as well check it out again. First of all, once again, 5 years later after Ang Lee made his 'Hulk' which is still considered as one of the worst super-heroes ever made (I think I is actually one of the best movies in this genre but that's a different story), they tried again to launch a franchise around the big green guy and once again, well, they pretty much failed. I mean, in spite of casting Edward Norton, one of the best actors around at the time, and even though it did receive some better reviews than 'Hulk', it didn't become the massive success they were hoping for. Eventually, even though I did like this movie when I saw it in the movie theater when it was released, each time I re-watch it, I find it less and less impressive. First of all, even though it seemed awesome at first that such a respected actor like Edward Norton would play Bruce Banner, he wasn’t amazing after all and, above all, he didn’t look anything like the Hulk, especially if you would compare him to Eric Bana or Mark Ruffalo. A bigger problem was the fact that the story was actually rather weak, even weaker than in ‘Hulk’. I mean, sure, the action scenes were badass, the Hulk looked much better than in Ang Lee’s movie, I’ll give you that, but I really had a hard time to care about this tale and I think it is even more obvious if you watch this movie a couple of times. Anyway, to conclude, in spite of its flaws, I still think it is a decent blockbuster though and it is worth a look, especially if you like the genre.
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Posted : 14 years, 3 months ago on 14 October 2010 10:40
(A review of
The Golden Compass)
This movie was supposed to be huge. Following the success of the Harry Potter franchise and even more 'The Lord of the Rings', the producers were looking for their new cashcow. And, indeed, they tried really bad to reproduce The Lord of the Rings success but it didn't work out and the sequels were cancelled. Actually if I remember correctly, even though it did tank in the US but it was actually fairly succesfull in the rest of the world. Anyway, in spite of the nice open ending, we didn't get a sequel... In my opinion, I think it was too bad because it had a great cast (Daniel Craig, Nicole Kidman, Eva Green, and the voice of Ian McKellen), some very nice visuals and the story was entertaining enough. Of course, I have no idea if it was faithful to the book or not since I haven't read it but I thought it was a decent fantasy feature and it didn't deserve such a bad rep, in my opinion. After re-watching it, I think the main issue was that that the whole thing was rather poorly written. I mean, they managed to create an intriguing world but the plot was really rushed, randomly jumping from an event to another. Apparently, Chris Weitz shouldn't be blamed since the complete movie was recut by the studio. To conclude, in spite of its flaws, there are way worse movies which get sequels and I think this flick is actually very well made and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you like the genre.
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Posted : 14 years, 3 months ago on 14 October 2010 10:40
(A review of
Before watching this flick, following the (very bad) critical response, I wasn't expecting much. Indeed, when it was released, it was literally destroyed by the critics and the viewers so I thought it would be pretty bad. Still since Nick, my step-son, has a weak spot for dragons, I ended up renting it at the DVD shop thinking I was wasting my time and money. Honestly, to my surprise, I didn't think it was that bad at all and I seriously didn’t get what was all the fuss against this movie. Indeed, I thought it would be completely awful but the whole thing was actually rather entertaining. In my opinion, the special effects were rather convincing and there was a nice cast as well (Jeremy Irons, Sienna Guillory, Robert Carlyle , John Malkovich, Garrett Hedlund, Djimon Hounsou). Basically, after the massive success of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and the ‘Harry Potter’ franchise, they started to adapt almost all the available fantasy book series they could find and many, like this one, just flopped. The funny thing was that they even put a nice open ending for a future sequel. That's how confident they were... But no sequel ! To conclude, even though it was a flop, even though it is pretty much hated, I don’t think is that bad at all and I even think it is actually worth a look, especially if you like the genre.
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Posted : 14 years, 3 months ago on 14 October 2010 10:38
(A review of
Even if it was a flop, it was still curious to see this flick. Honestly, I don't think McConaughey is a bad actor, as a matter of fact, he is now making an interesting come-back (2011-2012) but I have to admit he made some poor choices during the last decade. Anyway, it is pretty obvious that they hoped so bad with this flick that they would get the new Indiana Jones with this... No way ! How dare they compare Matthew McConaughey with the Great Harrison Ford ?!? A sequel was planned but was canceled due to poor box office sales. Indeed, it was a huge (deserved) flop with a reported $100 million dollars loss. Even though there was a nice cast (Matthew McConaughey, Steve Zahn, Penélope Cruz, William H. Macy, Rainn Wilson, Delroy Lindo, Lambert Wilson, I thought the whole thing was really average and not really entertaining. I mean, I'm a huge fan of Indiana Jones, I love these kind of adventure flicks but there is a very difficult balance that you have to find between the action stuff, the humor, the romance and the cheesiness and they obviously they didn't manage to make it work here. To conclude, even though this project had some potential, the whole thing was rather disappointing and it is not really worth a look.
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Posted : 14 years, 3 months ago on 14 October 2010 10:38
(A review of
The Punisher)
Honestly, I’m not really familiar with the comic-books concerning this character but he sure seems pretty badass. But like many minor comic-book character (yes, I think he is not really famous compared to the likes of Superman, Batman, Spider-man or the X-men), he never managed to reach much success in the film world. For the 2nd time around, they tried to start a franchise around The Punisher, and again, they failed gloriously ! Actually, this one did better than the 1st one. It was released in the US and made nearly four times what it cost. Eventually, a sequel was planned (well done !), but Thomas Jane eventually bowed out as it was taking too long to produce (too bad...). Personally, I couldn't care less about this movie. No loss for me ! In my opinion, Thomas Jane was not bad and John Travolta is always enjoyable when playing the bad guy but, a part from that, it was a rather average action flick. To conclude, I have seen worse comic-book movie adaptations but this one is still a disappointment and it is not really worth a look, even if you like the genre.
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Posted : 14 years, 3 months ago on 14 October 2010 10:37
(A review of
In my opinion, Daredevil was always one of the best super-heros, even though he was not as famous as Superman, Batman or Spider-man so I was really eager to check this flick. Eventually, honestly, in spite of what everybody say and think about this flick, I don't think it was that bad. Actually, like I said before, I think Daredevil is a pretty cool character and it would have been nice to see more of him. But this movie failed badly and Ben Affleck won't problably ever come back as a super-hero following his statement "Wearing a costume was a source of humiliation for me and something I wouldn't want to do again soon." I have to admit it though, the story was pretty weak and the villains were not really impressive. At least, you have to agree that Elektra was pretty awesome, even if the spin-off around her character was downright awful. Of course, the whole thing was flawed but I still think it is a rather fascinating character and the movie was not bad at all (If there is a character which needs a reboot, it is absolutely this one and not Spider-Man). To conclude, I think it is actually a decent super-hero flick and it is definitely worth a look though, especially if you like the genre.
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Posted : 14 years, 3 months ago on 14 October 2010 10:36
(A review of
Even though this movie has a rather lame reputation (it is even considered by many as one of the worst super-hero features), I always had a weak spot for the damned thing and, in fact, I would even go as far as saying that it is one of my favorite movies in this genre. Indeed, even though Marvel has been incredibly successful with its MCU, most of the movies in this franchise always follow the same generic and rather boring template and Ang Lee followed a different path which was, in my opinion, much more interesting. Basically, he went for some kind of Greek tragedy as Bruce Banner got his powers from birth after his father did some experiments on himself and, to amplify the drama, his father killed by accident his mother in front of Bruce who became highly traumatized in the process. That was some heavy stuff and Marvel would afterwards always focus on some much ligther material staying away from such dark tales in the future which was just too bad. Furthermore, Eric Bana was actually pretty decent playing this conflicted character and, at least, he was physically not such a huge stretch from the Hulk, especially compared to Edward Norton who looked nothing like the green monster. Eventually, the only major issue with this movie and the major reason why this movie was widely dismissed was the fact that Ang Lee clearly didn't care much about the action scenes. Indeed, there were only a few of them, they were not really convincing at all and, to make things worse, the Hulk looked very often pretty ugly which was considered like a major offense for all the fans of the comic-book. Well, like Ang Lee, I didn't care much about these action scenes, I thought he gave a really interesting portrayal of this character and, in my opinion, this flick must be the most underrated super-hero feature made so far.
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Posted : 14 years, 3 months ago on 14 October 2010 10:34
(A review of
Wild Wild West)
This movie shows that not everything that Will Smith touches changes in gold... This one didn't work out too good for him. Indeed, the critics were very negative and it was rather a disappointment at the box office (even though it still made some dough and even reached $50 million in its opening weekend). I wonder, if the next movie starring Johnny Depp, 'The Lone Ranger', will have the same fate or will it become the new 'Pirates of the Carribean'? (eventually, it turned out to be a major flop showing once again that blockbusters and Westerns don’t go well together). Anyway, back to our main subject, even though Will Smith and Kevin Kline were actually quite charming, they didn't manage here to make this flick really entertaining. Apparently, Will Smith turned down the lead role in 'The Matrix' to star in this movie because he was a fan of the television series but he later admitted that it was the worst decision he made in his career. To be honest, I don't think it is actually really so bad (many consider it as one of the worst movies ever made), I think it is actually watchable but it is and remains a really average blockbuster, a major blunder in Will Smith's career, and it is probably not really worth a look.
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Posted : 14 years, 3 months ago on 14 October 2010 10:34
(A review of
This year, the Americans are coming up with a new remake of the famous Japanese monster and, so far, the buzz is pretty good so it should be an improvement on Emmerich's version but, on the other hand, it won’t be difficult. Indeed, this first US remake was big and it was bad... Big budget doesn't always mean big success and they originally planned to have two sequels to be produced but these plans were scrapped due to the poor reception of this film. Still, despite the disappointing box office performance, it still made a lot of money, in fact, more money worldwide than any other American movie based on a foreign film. Even though I haven’t seen any original Godzilla features, this one was utterly disrespectful with the material which is not really surprising since Roland Emmerich admitted that he did not like the original Godzilla movies and, apparently, he only agreed to do this project after being promised to be able to do what ever he wanted with the series. I remembered when I watched this flick and how I was surprised how bad the whole thing looked. To conclude, it is really a terrible flick, you should avoid it and hope that the new version directed by Gareth Edwards will finally deliver something decent.
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