“Like many other actors, Adam Sandler has been struggling lately so it is hardly surprising that he would finally come up with a sequel at some point. At least, you have to give him some credit that he didn’t try before to recycle all his previous hits like ‘Billy Madison’ or ‘Happy Gilmore” read more
“It's only recently that I came across this movie and I was rather impressed by its rating on IMDb (7.6) so I was quite eager to check it out. Well, eventually, it turned out to be one of these hyperlink movies but while I used to love this genre (Alejandro González Iñárritu for example made a cou” read more
“Not so long ago, I saw 'Foxcatcher' and I know it might seem weird to watch so soon after this documentary. The point is that, even if I did like 'Foxcatcher', it didn't completely blow me away and, above all, it bothered me that the whole thing remained so dammed ambiguous. As a result, I was quite” read more