"@filmbuilder, no, it is not my thing."

"@filmbuilder, sure I will watch 'Wreck-it-Ralph' and 'Despicable me 2' at some point but it is not really a high priority."

"@daxingxing57, the two last movies of the Bourne franchice are pretty (in-)famous for their use of shaky-cam, they pretty much launched this style so the last poster is spot-on and quite genius."

"@xxixii, It is actually a pretty good idea but I don't spend much time on listal enough to start such a project."

"@filmbuilder, probably in January 2014. Keep in touch!"

"@cleon, I'm trying to be selective, otherwise, I will any movie just because someone liked it and not Roger Ebert. This list is of course not exhaustive and doesn't include all the possible candidat"

"No problem, upidipi, I trust you as always ;) if you don't have it yet, here is a link with all the changes : http://www.tipsfromchip.blogspot.nl/2013/09/the-definitive-list-of-additions-re.html"

"@Cleon, I guess you pretty much missed the point of this list..."

"@thenoah, 'Scarface' is the best suggestion but since there is already 'The Godfather' on this list, I won't add another gangster movie. None of other 3 movies are closed to be considered the most d"

"@Emili J. , I'm not planning to add all his TV work, especially a cartoon TV show for which he voiced just 8 episodes."

"@Ricky49er, right now, Nick is not really interested in spending watching movies about autism, he'd rather watch movies about vampire, werelwoves, zombies,... ;) I guess he is still in denial and wou"

"Yeah, definitely. I might make a list about Leone's work at some point."

"@thenoah, there are Westerns, highly copying American movies, filled with American actors so I'm not sure I want to add them here."

"@noah, even though 'Rope' was a really good movie, I don't think it is really a classic like 'Vertigo', 'North by Northwest', 'Psycho',..."

"@thenoah, sorry '1900' is hardly a classic (I did like it very much though)."

"@thenoah, it has been a while since I saw 'Deliverance' but even though I enjoyed it, I didn't think it was really amazing or hardcore."

"@Mahnum, indeed, two Chucky movies could be added to the list. Maybe I will add them later on when I have the time."

"I have just seen "Z" (n.504) it was really awesome. total seen : 504"