"@thenoah, it thought it was pretty funny. I guess we both live a pretty pathetic life =)"

"@Leo, I was on holiday for a week so that's why ;) It should be done this week."

"@Petri, even though it made some money, the production was a huge mess and I don't think any of the big players involved would want to go down this road again but we'll see. By the way, I have just r"

"I have heard of those projects but there are always some rumors about Scorsese future features (For example, he has been planning to make 'Silence' for already 20 years) but only a handful will end up"

"Actually, they are still friends, it's just that their career followed a different path. Scorsese found a new muse with DiCaprio and de Niro has clearly stated that he was too old to do the same chall"

"It would be nice if de Niro made a come-back but I don't see it happening any time soon. He was indeed great in 'Silver linings playbook' but all the rest he has done recently was pretty underwhelming"

"@Leader Vladimir, indeed, but I already said so in my comment so I'm not really surprised. I will remove it when it has been made official on Imdb."

"I know, Moriarty is a guy who would create a listal account and make a whole bunch of evoluton lists and then delete his account... He did it first as LittleFingers and then as Moriarty.... Really rea"

"@Exclusive, there are many that could be added. For example, it is rather surprising that there is not one yet for Halle Berry. Personally, I already made about 80-100 of those, so don't expect a ne"

"@Villiana, I have seen 'Gran Torino' but I wasn't a huge fan. I mean, I thought it was decent but except for Clint Eastwood, the whole thing was terribly underwhelming. Concerning 'The Boy in the st"

"@Leo, I have just added those two movies because they were some huge blockbusters. I don't feel like adding tons of other movies on this list."

"Your list still looks great:) By the way, I have already added on my list World War Z and The Lone Ranger. I know, I'm just gambling and I might remove them if proven wrong but we'll see. What do yo"

"@thenoah, to each his own, but there is definitely nothing stupid about what you have just explained ;)"

"@thenoah, - Salo, Antichrist : I haven't seen them yet but they will probably end up on this list. I don't see what was so hardcore about Eyes Wide Shut or Blue Velvet. What was so shocking for you "

"@thenoah, thanks for the heads up ;) The list has been updated."

"Pointed out by a user who wants to remain anonymous, I have removed the following users : Gab, Jstone, Sarah :], richmondm, MichelleCassidy, MoViE cRiTiC"

"Indeed, my friend, indeed... You are very sharp today ;)"

"@VieraTalo, thanks for the heads-up! All these users have been removed."

"@Aldenvk, indeed, if you spot someone who rates movies which I haven't been released yet, they are disqualified and will be eventually removed. Thanks for the heads-up!"

"@brawljeff, I have indeed seen all the movie directed by Snyder but since he has made only 6 movies by now, he is a rather low priority but he will also end up here. So many directors, so little time."

"@Leo, by now, I have watched 13 out 16 of his movies so he is not really 'complete' but he might end up here anyway at some point."

"I have just seen "Louisiana Story" (n.203) it was pretty good. total seen : 501 YES!!! I finally watched more than half of those movies! Now, only 500 movies to watch..."

"@takat, maybe I will add his short movies as well, we'll see"

"I agree with Lamourderer here, most of the people complain about movies that they haven't even seen. 1. Who says you have to watch those movies in one go?!? In our age of DVDs, downloads, streaming, "

"@thenoah, I also liked 'Dogville' very much but it is not really a classic. Nice try though ;)"

"@brawljeff, yeah, the fact that 'The Prestige' is on this list is really ridiculous but it is not Coby's fault. Apparently, the average Listal user has no idea how to assess if a movie is underrated o"

"@Emily J. you do it again.... 'I've read what...' Stop talking about movies you haven't even seen!!! If you want to trash them, just watch them and then we'll talk again about it..."