To be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect from this flick but since Harrison Ford is one of my favorite actors, I definitely had to watch this flick at some point. ‘Star Wars’ had been released just the year before and even though Ford was already a hot item, at this point, he hadn't reach complete stardom yet. Well, concerning the movie itself, it was a decent WII action flick but it was still rather forgettable. In fact, I saw 'The Guns of Navarone' and, to be honest, this sequel didn't have much to do with the original. Indeed, there was only one actor from the first movie and the action didn’t even take place in Navarone at all. Furthermore, even though the story was rather entertaining, it was still full of nonsense. For example, the way Carl Weathers got involved in the mission was just ridiculous and there were many other scenes during which I was just shaking my head. So, it was obviously not a realistic flick but it was still entertaining, especially at the end when they destroyed the bridge. Anyway, to conclude, even though it was not one of the best WWII movies I have seen, it was not bad and it is worth a look, especially if you like the genre.
An average movie

An average movie

An average movie

Since this movie was literally destroyed by the critics and since it was a huge flop at the box-office, I wasn't expecting much from the damned thing. And indeed, it turned out to be a real mess but, to be honest, I have to admit that it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be. First of all, I have never seen the TV-show it was based on so I don't know if it was faithfull or not. Basically, I thought it was never consistent enough. For example, some of the special effects were sometimes actually pretty good but then, some others were really lame and pathetic. It was the same issue with the jokes, there were a few good ones here and there but also many misfires. And it was the same thing with Will Ferrell, sometimes he made me laugh but, pretty often, he was just rather obnoxious. On the positive side, I think it was a neat concept to put Will Ferrell in such a wacky adventure and, like I said before, it was definitely not one of the worst flicks I have ever seen. Anyway, to conclude , it was still an average adventure flick mixed with Ferrell's humor and it is not really worth a look.

A classic

An average movie

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I already saw this flick at the beginning of the 2000’s but, to be honest, at the time, I didn't like the damned thing at all and I thought it was even really lame. However, since this movie actually has a really good reputation, I thought I should give it another shot at some point. Well, after watching this movie a 2nd time around, I have to admit that it was after all a decent watch but, to be honest, I still don't think it was anything really amazing. Indeed, it was still very cheesy, sentimental, stereotypical and there was literally not one single line of dialogue which didn't sound like an inspirational speech. Still, there was a nice cast involved (Denzel Washington, Donald Faison, Kip Pardue, Hayden Panettiere, Kate Bosworth, Ryan Gosling). Above all, Denzel Washington was basically born to play such roles and the guy was once again really convincing. I have to admit that the material was really uplifting and even though it was a gross simplification of race issues, it was still a well made and entertaining sport drama. To conclude, I still think that the damned thing is a rather overrated and simplistic sport drama but it does work and it is worth a look, especially if you like the genre.
An average movie

An average movie

Even though I had never heard of this movie before, since there was a nice cast involved, I thought I should check it out. Eventually, it was not bad at all. Indeed, it was dealing with one of the most important battles during the Pacific war, there was an impressive cast (Charlton Heston, Henry Fonda, James Coburn, Glenn Ford, Hal Holbrook, Toshirô Mifune, Robert Mitchum, Cliff Robertson, Robert Wagner, Pat Morita, Erik Estrada, Tom Selleck) and the directing was decent even though I'm not sure if the choice to mix the movie with some real footage was such a great idea. Still, the whole thing was not really mind-blowing. Indeed, the whole battle was quite fascinating and rather realistic but, sometimes, also rather confusing and I'm not sure I really followed the whole thing. Furthermore, there was a sub-plot involving Charlon Heston's son in love with a Japanese girl which didn't work at all. I mean, I understand that they wanted to add some romantic angle but it was poorly developped and it didn't really work well with the rest of the movie. Anyway, eventually, it was still a decent war movie dealing with an impressive battle and it is worth a look, especially if you like the genre.

An average movie

An average movie

To be honest, since it is a rather obscure movie, I wasn’t really sure what to expect from the damned thing but since I have a weak spot for Sean Connery, I was quite eager to check it out. In fact, this movie was John Milius’s second directing feature and he would get some success later on with 'Conan the Barbarian'. With this movie, you could feel that, back then, Milius already had a good feeling for exotic adventure. However, the whole thing was still a rather odd mix between a cheap version of Lawrence of Arabia and a political satire featuring Theodore Roosevelt. Same thing with the casting of Sean Connery to play an Arab warlord, it was completely ridiculous but, surprisingly, thanks to his everlasting charm and some funny one-liners, he actually pulled it off. Their portraying of the Arabs was also rather dubious as they were either noble, sophisticated and charming like Sean Connery or they seemed to be rather ignorant and stupid. Of course, it was an adventure flick so you shouldn't spend too much time on such details or on the historical accuracy. Anyway, to conclude, even though it was rather flawed, it wasn't bad at all and it is worth a look, especially if you are a fan of Sean Connery's work.

A good movie

This flick is a perfect example that, even if you have a rather preposterous story, you still can manage to make an entertaining and compelling movie. Indeed, the whole thing was about a average guy who decides to help escape his wrongfully accused wife. I don't know about you but when I heard this plotline, I wasn’t really impressed and I was expecting one of these dumb action flicks I have seen so many times in the past. However, it turned out to be a rather gripping thriller. I mean, of course, the story was still really far-fetched (especially when the main character went to steal money from some drug dealer and ended up in a shoot-out, that was far from believable) but the directing was really effective and Vincent Lindon gave a really solid performance and it was above all thanks to him that I really get into the story. Diane Kruger wasn't bad either but she honestly didn't have much to do during the whole thing. Eventually, I was wondering during the whole duration how this guy was going to pull it off and thanks to Lindon's down-to-earth approach, it was quite entertaining. Only 2 years later, they would come up with an American version starring Russell Crowe which was not bad but this original version was really better. Anyway, to conclude, it was a pretty decent thriller and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you are interested in French movies.